February 18, 2016

Conquer Phone Anxiety & Fear

Do you struggle with phone anxiety and a fear of talking on the phone?

Although e-mail, text and messaging have grown massively in recent years and can be incredibly useful, most of us at some point in our work, family and social lives are going to need to answer a phone call or make one.

If you struggle with a fear of talking on the phone, what may look easy to others, can become a source of huge anxiety, worry and concern.

So in this article I’ll be covering how you can conquer your phone anxiety and overcome your fear of talking on the phone.

February 18, 2016

Stop Anxious Worst Case Scenarios

One thing I’ve noticed from helping so many people overcome anxiety, is how often anxiety can hijack your imagination. Somehow in the blink of an eye your thoughts speed away into catastrophe and worst case scenarios that ramp up your anxiety levels.

Today I’m going to be sharing with you one powerful way to regain control over your thoughts that can seriously diminish your anxiety.

Anxiety fuels your imagination in unhelpful ways – and like a river, it will always find SOMETHING to worry about. And the more you run those worst case scenarios, the higher you drive up the anxiety and the more that river flows…

February 5, 2016

Health Anxiety & How To Diminish Health Fear

Health Anxiety:

Have you been struggling with health anxiety?

Recently I’ve been helping several anxiety clients who have found that their health anxiety has started to take over their life. And maybe sometimes it drifts away for a while, yet when it strikes the anxiety and panic can go through the roof.

In those moments of anxiety and panic, they are sure that something bad is happening to their health and either that stress starts to affect their work and relationships or they are back and forth to medical practitioners for test after test, only to find that nothing is wrong.

So how can you successfully start to calm your health anxiety?

January 22, 2016

Anxiety Symptoms Eliminated for Alice

In the video below, Alice describes how we worked together to end her anxiety symptoms (and we also sorted her fear of flying along the way!).

Anxiety can feel overwhelming yet it is possible to take back control and feel calm again. You can regain control over all those unwanted anxious thoughts and feelings.

There are ways to reign in all those anxiety symptoms and stop those thoughts that limit your life. Alice is evidence of this and I hope that when you watch the video it inspires you to take action against anxiety.